Monday, March 21, 2011

Rockett St George

I just discovered the coolest online shop, full of great gift ideas (for other people AND for you!) Rockett St. George sells a collection of items for the home, scattered with a few miscellaneous items thrown in there. All of the items have a very british feel, without throwing the Union Jack in your face. The only downside? It costs 25 pounds to ship to the US, which means I won't be getting anything until I become a billionaire.
Here are a few things to add to my dream cart:

This might be the cutest thing ever. I love the look on the dogs face, and I love the sultry looking lampshade hat he has on his head. What a champ.

For those of you wondering, NO I am not dreaming about owning that silver lamé couch, but rather the WALLPAPER behind it. That's right, it's WALLPAPER. I can't even get over it. We've already established that I am not a big reader, but I love the idea of having pretty coffee table books, or books with pretty pictures in them. I didn't know bookshelf wallpaper was an option though, and I am totally into it.

I know if I ever bought this lace tape, it would be gone in a second. I would cover everything I own with lace trim, that there might have to be an intervention...

PS. My Spring break to-do list is all crossed off! I got my hair cut yesterday morning, and I finished up my first bow tie over the weekend. I'll also attach a picture of the black dress that I made soon, I promise.

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