Thursday, March 10, 2011

Put your fist and arrows up

Why am I up at 6:45am you ask? Because today is HOUSING DAY! Every spring, the freshmen at Harvard decide who they want to live with for the rest of their time at College, and then they are randomly assigned to an upperclassmen house. Today is the day that they find out what house they are in, and the cool thing about THAT is that any upperclassman who wants to help deliver housing assignments to freshmen are more than welcome to.
A lucky 130 or so freshmen will be lotteried into the BEST house on campus today: Lowell House.

Lowell House has played a very significant role in my time at Harvard. I've met some of my closest friends here. I have had some of my fondest memories here. Yes, every Harvard student will tell you that THEIR house is the best, but only the finest of houses can churn out such incredible people like Natalie Portman and Matt Damon, right? Lowell House is also one of the most beautiful on campus, with our double courtyard and belltower (which is fully functional, and rung by our 'Klappermeisters' every Sunday, btw).
Source: Flickr

Lowell House has allowed me to find a family when I am so far away from home. It's really shaped my college experience, and while I am certain that had I been assigned to another house, I would feel just as proud, I'm holding true to Lowell being the best house ;) If you are wondering where the arrows from "Arrows & Bows" comes from, just check out the Lowell Crest.

Good luck freshmen, welcome to the best 3 years of your life.

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